Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth
Your Wellness and Vitality expert.
Servicing Perth and Western Suburbs, Western Australia
Using muscle monitoring and age regression procedures, kinesiology can help to resolve many emotional and spiritual issues.
More Specific Treatments
Kinesiology can help with:
Stress incontinence
Pelvic floor muscle balancing
Kidney issues
Chronic bladder infections
Nephrotic syndrome
Recurrent cold sores
Auto-immune disorders
Vaccination stress & reactions
Multiple allergies and food sensitivities
Psoriasis & eczema
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Hashimotos
During a kinesiology session, the kinesiologist can scan for specific emotions or attitudes that are relevant to the current issue. Chakra balancing is often involved as they pertain to: self identity, self esteem, family, relationships, self love, communication, personal insights etc.
Emotional centres in the brain are formatted and scanned for survival stress.
Corrections commonly used are:
Flower essences and affirmations
Chakra acupressure or sound therapy
Aura or Nadi balancing
Law of Five elements emotions
Emotional stress defusion techniques with age regression and emotion identification
Most people find kinesiology to be a relaxing and rewarding treatment, gaining awareness and insights to themselves that they would otherwise have remained oblivious to. Kinesiology is perfect for those people wanting to do 'self work' and raise their level of consciousness.
For people seeking more meaning in their life, kinesiology can help you to discover your calling or to help you to get to know your real self.