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Treatments & What happens in a session:

Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth / Kinesiologist Perth 

At the beginning of a session, you will be asked to fill out a medical history form. A discussion of your presenting symptoms/ issue/ condition will ensue and together with the practitioner, you will decide on what you would like to deal with first. If unsure, the practitioner can ask the body what is the priority for treatment. Sometimes the kinesiologist will assess your posture before treatment commences, to have a baseline to gauge how treatment is progressing.
Treatments are performed with the client lying on a massage table, fully clothed, but shoes removed. It is best to wear comfortable clothing eg sportswear. Leggings work well for females, and bring some socks to keep your feet warm. Blankets are provided if necessary. 
The first part of the kinesiology session is called the 'set-up'. The kinesiologist asks the body questions and scans for information regarding the body system processes and emotional states, using a muscle monitoring technique. An arm muscle is mostly used for this technique. Some stress release techniques are often interspersed with this data collection process and this is done by holding specific points on the body. 
Energetic 'corrections' are then carried out to bring the energy structures of the body back into homeostasis. During this part of the session, the kinesiologist will be checking for specific emotions, attitudes etc to see if they are relevant to the healing process. Some of the energetic correction methods used are: acupressure of the meridian acupoints, holding meridian end points or 'flushing' meridians, sound energy using tuning forks, flower essences, symbols, colour light therapy, emotional stress defusion using age regression techniques etc.
After corrections, the kinesiologist retests any muscles tested during the session that showed imbalance to see if they have been corrected. They also check the muscle indicator against any emotions or spiritual information that was detected during the session to see if the stress on these have subsided. 


Listen to Charles Krebs (research Scientist) talk about kinesiology:

Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth/ Kinesiologist Perth

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