Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth
Your Wellness and Vitality expert.
Servicing Perth and Western Suburbs, Western Australia
The two main principles forming the foundation for kinesiology are:
That we believe an individual has a life force or vital energy (known as ‘Chi’ by the Chinese, ‘Prana’ by the Yogis, and ‘Elan Vital’ by the French) and that health can be restored once the energy system is maintaining balance. Conversely, when the energy system is out of balance, health will be compromised and disease may ensue. Changes in the Subtle Energy system will show up before manifesting as disease or disorders.
That the subconscious brain holds all our memories, information about our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic status, as well as determining our level of muscle tension. Stresses cause interference in the electrical impulses in the nervous system, so a change in the muscle response during muscle monitoring can therefore be an indicator that there is a negative stress in the system being investigated and monitored.
Kinesiology is holistic in it's approach, treating both the symptoms and the real cause of the symptoms. Using gentle muscle monitoring, a kinesiologist can detect where the stresses lie that are behind the presenting symptoms. Stresses can be things such as: emotional issues- present or past, physical injuries from past or present, organ, hormonal or glandular disturbance, imbalance in the energy meridian system, or the chakra or auric energy fields, nutritional deficiencies, toxins or intestinal flora imbalances, behavioural issues, addictions, mental worries, spiritual discontent or neglect to name but a few. Because of the holistic nature of kinesiology treatments, it can assist and restore homeostasis with almost any dysfunction.
During a Perth Kinesiology session, recipients remain fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table. Overall, it is a positive and rewarding experience. Benefits include gaining personal insights and connecting with one’s spiritual side (the conscious mind becoming more aware of the subconscious background). It can produce profound healing results.
Jude Casey Kinesiology Perth / Kinesiologist Perth